Hi everyone, it's been so long since I've been able to blog. How are you all doing out there?
I'm busy as usual, had a few custom orders that kept me busy for awhile but I'm back making some new things. My poor store is so nearly sold out, even the Dumbledore Memory Vial Cabinet sold. It's like a ghost town in my Etsy store right now. My washing machine broke and that threw a wrench in my work time lately. I'm on my second week of waiting for the technician to come and fix it (of course they didn't have the part and had to order it) so I've been packing our laundry to the laundromat, ick! Our local laundromat leaves much to be desired, ugh. I'm to the point where I think Sears extended warranties are worthless.
Ok enough whining :) I'll live, lol. I've been working when I can and I'm working on a Deatheater Cabinet. You know, like the bad wizards on Harry Potter. Well it could certainly work for any wizard setting too, just a little on the dark side :) I still have plenty to do, because I want the inside of the cabinet FULL. I have plans on making the weird skeletal hand on the pillow that grabs Harry's hand in Chamber of Secrets. A bottle with a real looking heart inside, more books and wizard gadgets, a horcrux locket, Mad Eye Moody's eyeball eyepatch, etc. All manner of dark wizard goodies :) What I've already made: A gothic-style caged owl, tall potion bottles, a large dragon embryo bottle on a stand, a pewter dragon clawed crystal ball, a creepy skull wand display (inside the cabinet so kinda hard to see here), more jars containing severed parts, a dark crystal ball, a foe glass as seen in Mad Eye Moody's office in the movie Goblet of Fire, a black leather Horcrux Book, a pedestaled real stone statuette that looks like a creature of some sort. And the cabinet itself is really spooktacular :) Weathered, distressed, blackened, crowned with crystal spires (green for Slytherin of course) and a totally great blackened metal skull and crossbones topper. And ghostly white mosses around the stuff on top. And I've added a set of blackened metal gargoyles to the bottom of the cabinet doors as well. Ok I'll just show you all what I have done so far (keeping in mind I'm far from finished):

My pictures aren't very good, too bright out right now. They kinda glared up a little :( Anyway, you get the idea of where it's headed. I should be done with it in a couple days and get it listed. And then I'm onto some theme trees, including a super exciting Wizard of Oz theme tree!!! I'm really excited about trying that one :)
Thanks for viewing everyone and have a lovely day!