I wanted to show you all where I stand on the honeydukes set, almost done on the cabinet but I need my doilies! The seller promised to ship them fast but so far I haven't seen them marked as shipped. All of my other parts came right in so I won't be ordering from that seller again! The cabinet is missing only the red doily under the black metal cauldron (the shelf is black and the cauldron is black so it just kind of seems invisible on that shelf) the jelly slugs for the green and white vase on top of the cabinet, and two or three candies inside the bottom of the cabinet. Which you won't really see inside the cabinet if the doors are shut so I plan to tack them down with only tacky glue in case whomever buys the cabinet wants to gently pull them off the bottom of the cabinet should they wish to put them someplace else. Tacky glue is easily removable. Ok so here's what I have done so far:

Hard to see, but I have a Bertie Botts Every Flavor Beans plant up there, a large jar of Black Pepper Imps:
on wax paper strips, and a currently empty green and white vase that will hold jelly slugs. For those of you who don't know what those look like, this is what they look like:
So this will be on the other side of the top of the cabinet once I make them.
And more pics:
I made a fan display in the top little round enclave of the cabinet of acid pops, blood pop, and some regular halloween-colored lollipops. The second shelf is (left to right) acid pops-blood pops-ice mice-droobles best blowing gum balls, the third shelf has the cauldron full of honeydukes chocolate bars, fizzing whizbees candies, and an unfinished bottle of canary creams. I can't even begin to tell you how hard it was to sculpt a tiny yellow bird sitting on top of a cream poof no taller than just shy of half and inch tall! I mean it, that little thing is LESS than half an inch. Sheesh, let me tell you it was rough and he's not perfect but as close as I could get it in such a tiny sculpt. And I have to make a few more to fill the bottle up and then label it.

a tiny owl sits on the top post of the cabinet. He's really cute in person! And more detailed as well. Hehe, you can see my little personal note I stuck to remind myself what I was making to put in the vase. When you're making so much candy it's hard to keep it all straight!
My little witch now has all of her pumpkin pasties and a sign to tell passersby what she has for sale. Little did I know she is a highly collectible Poliwoggs folk art witch that was retired in 2003. Apparently Poliwoggs are beloved among those who collect folk art. You can read about them here:
I did make a mold of her so I can remake this little witch but those who order this cart after the original is sold won't have the real poliwogg witch. Only this cart will have the original. I'll get it as close as possible but it won't be exact.
Ok I have to go get back to work now. I have a quick order to fill before I can get back to this set. But I really can't get a lot further without the doilies anyway :( Hope they come in soon!
Oh and, make sure to check out 19th Day co-creator Sherry's blog to see the companion pieces she's making to my Honeydukes set! She has three cabinets started and it should be fun!