Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Miniature Driftwood Fairy House Update

I'm trying to figure out my new camera so bear with me while I goof around and shoot bad pictures for awhile.  I'll get better as soon as I read up in my operators manual.  On this advanced of a camera, it's practically a full novel's worth of instructions :o

I still have to:
make a kitchen table
sculpt large mushrooms and scatter them around
work on the top floor of the balcony
work on the inside of the tower nook
make fruit for the bowl on the little table
make a rope ladder for up the side of the balcony

Then I should be close to done other than adding some more plant life around the scene.

Bad pictures in too dark lighting:

Little fairy pod beds with rustic tattered blankies :)

I know I can take better shots than this but I just don't know how to use this camera yet :)

Updated pictures with new items added in:

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Alice in Wonderland Mallymkun Dormouse in Dollhouse Miniature

I just finished her up today and I think she's really close enough to Tim Burton's dormouse version as seen here:

I tried to get her as close as could at my skill level in sculpting so hopefully you all think my version is passable:

Of course the glare here is much worse because the light is too bright outside.  Hopefully soon I can take far better pictures because my darling Mother in Law just got me a great new camera for my birthday and Christmas present this year :)  I'm so excited!  Finally I'll be able to take decent photographs without a huge different in how the minis look from the photograph to seeing it in person.  Can't wait!

What do you all think?  Does this look enough like her that you'd know who this character is if I didn't tell you?  Let me know.  Hugs everyone, now onward with the March Hare!  

Monday, September 3, 2012

A new Miniature Fairy House made of Driftwood

I had someone ask me if I could maybe make a fairy house out of driftwood.  I really hadn't made a fairy house from scratch so I wasn't sure if I could handle it.  I live right on the Mississippi River so where there be water, there be driftwood :)  I thought, why not?  I'll give it a go and see what happens.  So I asked my Dad if he could take me for a spin on the river and see what we could find.  A hike up a distant steep bank in the middle of nowhere and a heart attack later, I had a reasonable pile of driftwood that might be usable.  Haha, just kidding.  I didn't have a heart attack really, unless you count climbing over piles of driftwood and loose rocks that gave me the feeling I might run into a snake at any moment or go tumbling down the loose rocks into the river.  I had more than my fair share of panicky flutterings and near misses :)  Anywho, we got some driftwood and so began my experiment with fairy house building.  Of course there was none "house-shaped" or anywhere close to that.  Yay.  Here's what I have so far, and I have so much more to do to it.  A series of rope/twig ladders will be added to go from landing to landing, and more furniture will be built.  The whole point of this one is "natural" not cutesy.  More natural colors, less man-made things around it.  I have plans for a viney candelabra with drippy candles hanging from a high point down above the "room" area below.  And so much more moss and more twig furniture.  Etc.

      This will change a lot, this is a very basic start of what is to come.  All sorts of plans will come into play before the end and it'll really turn into a little habitat.  And it's quite large, 23 inches tall and 15 inches wide and deep, roughly.

I'l still be working on the Alice table in between this because I get burnt out and bounce back and forth between the two projects:)

Thanks for your comments everyone, I do read them even if I don't have a lot of time to comment back.  I've got lots going on around my house with the kids, cooking, cleaning, etc.  Busy Mom stuff, you all know how it goes!