Her wings are real dragonfly wings, hardened and glittered. And no I did not kill the poor little thing, he was the victim of a horrible head on car crash. Namely, he crashed into the front grill of my Dad's car. I figured I was preserving what was left of his beauty :)
I'll post updates as I work on her jar environment.

I plan on doing a raffia bow once I lid this with a hang tag on it telling her name, location she was caught, how big she is, vital info and a release back into the wild date :)
Her hang tag reads:
Captured Fairy
Genus: La Dormetta de Poitou
Explanation: Sleep Fairy, assures children have pleasant dreams
Location captured: Within the Ardennes Hills of France
Name of the fairy captured: a wee little Fae by the name of Anastaise
Date Captured: July 26th, 2010
Release Date: July 30, 2010
Currently for sale in my etsy.com store